Tuesday 13 August 2013

Port Isaac

Bodmin Holiday 2013 - Journal, day 3: Tuesday

Today we decided to go for a drive to the coast. I'm not the best sailor, but it seemed like a good plan to take Thought we'd take the Padstow-to-Rock ferry. On a whim we choose to park on the Rock side (this is nearer to Port Isaac... we planned to go on to there). A piece of advice: don't bother trying this! We had to gave up after half an hour in a queue for the car park and ended up driving straight to Port Isaac. We then made the mistake of parking in the first car park we saw, and had to walk miles to the beach. (We did find a short cut... though it was very steep.)

It was time for lunch so we decided to sample the local pasties (made in Padstow). While enjoying our hot lunch, we came up with the idea of rating pasties from various outlets this holiday. Our first entry is:

Chough Bakery, Padstow:
(NB: my auto complete suggests pasties for Padstow - an omen?)
Range of fillings: I had the blue cheese - there was a large and varied choice
Pastry: good mixture of flaky and chewy (not flaky enough for Jenny)
Meat: excellently cooked: tender and moist, no chewy bits
Veg: good balance (to much for the kids - particularly #3 who would prefer all meat)
Gravy: rich and tasty; plenty of it but not to much
Score: 9/10

It was a fine evening, so I lit a fire. The kids were delighted. South Penquite Farm is particularly laid back in this respect. They even sell kindling and chopped logs, but also ask that stones are put around the fire to contain it. It was a very successful first fire - even if I do say so myself.

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