Thursday, 15 August 2013

Lost on Bodmin Moor

Bodmin Holiday 2013 - Journal, day 5: Thursday

We has an early start as the kids were booked on an art workshop. The gas ran out while making our tea for breakfast - so couldn't have toast this morning. Instead, we had bacon cobs (butties, whatever) - which went down well. (We always bring a single burner gas stove for just such emergencies.)

After a bit of research, we found out that Stan May (Mace) stores in Bodmin stocks camping gas.

The kids went off happily to their art workshop while we relaxed by the tent, watching the world go by. There's not a lot of organised activity at South Penquite - it's not that kind of place. There is some stunning scenery, however, so if you're into walking of exploring then there's plenty to entertain.

There was an unscheduled downpour at lunch, but we quite enjoyed sitting in the porch - which we shared with a cockerel and one of the farm cats. After watching the rain for a bit it I spent a lazy afternoon writing blog notes.

The weather cleared up again later on so Jenny and I decided to go for a quick walk round the camp site. It was still fairly breezy and we ended up rescuing a gazebo which was trying to escape. We still had time to kill after our wander (it is a small site spread over a few fields), so we set out across Bodmin moor. South Penquite is in the middle of Bodmin Moor, at a high point - the land drops off pretty much whichever direction you go. We followed our noses, heading off in random directions. The going is quite touch as there are no set paths, so you have to work your way around bushes, rocks and trees. After a bit we so got lost. Well, I was lost. I'm not blessed with a sense of direction so after a few turns, I don't know which way is up. My wife has a built-in compass. Luckily I had a phone signal so when the kids finished early they were able to call and we could tell them we would be back soon. Also luckily, we found the road shortly after. I say luckily, Jenny would tell you that she always knew where she was. Either way, were able to fulfill the promise of being back soon and returned to camp: a little tired, but relaxed and happy.

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